Month: October 2014

Soldier, gunman dead after Ottawa attack; Parliament Hill under lockdown | CTV News

Soldier, gunman dead after Ottawa attack; Parliament Hill under lockdown | CTV News

Let us pray for this ongoing situation on Parliament Hill and for the family of the soldier that was murdered today. Also that if any others are involved in this attack in Ottawa that they be speedily apprehended.

0 Canada we stand on guard for you! We thank the Lord for the security on the hill that responded so quickly. Let us continue to respond with prayer and intercession and keep those in authority over us in prayer and also pray for protection over our nation, in Jesus name.

Patricia Hamel

22 October 2014

Suspect in attack on 2 soldiers in Quebec ‘had become radicalized’: PMO | CTV News

Our heart goes out to the family of the Canadian soldier who was killed in this senseless act. Also to the other soldier that was injured. We need to be praying for our military throughout Canada and the nations and intercede for them as led by Holy Spirit.

Pray that the Lord would reveal the plans of the enemy ahead of time and that further attacks will be stopped before they happen. Let us declare that no weapon formed against our military will prosper and that as a nation we will have eyes to see our need of the Lord.

Patricia Hamel

21 October 2014

Suspect in attack on 2 soldiers in Quebec 'had become radicalized': PMO | CTV News.