Month: January 2024

World War III

World War III

I have said to you, that World War III is coming and is even at the door. I would have you to cry out to Me for the Nations of the earth and together we will see, if by prayer the plans of the enemy can be deterred.  I say to you, the hour is late, the hour is very late and man has fought, and man has connived and man has lied and says the Lord, they have fought against Me and my ways so many times that I have turned them over and allowed them to go their own way,

But  I say unto you, I have heard the righteous cries of my people. I have heard the righteous cry in the earth saying, God help us. God set us free, they have taken us captive, set us free, and so I say to you, sit together with Me and talk with Me and intercede and pray, and together we will see if there’s another way as intercession goes forth before My Throne, if the plans of the enemy can be deterred.

It is always My desire, to thwart the plans of the enemy. It is always, My desire to have peace instead of war, it is, My desire that My children live in blessing and not under the curse, says the Lord. I came to redeem My children from the curse of the law and so let this be your intercession. Let this be a cry to Me, let this be a cry of repentance for the sins in your land, and the lands of the earth and see if we can reason together. See if the cup can be tipped away from the winds of war.

 I am your Commander in Chief and I would have My church to pray and intercede and be on the wall like never before. It’s time for the wall to be filled with the cries of My people seeking their deliverance from the enemy. Then I shall surely move in the land, and you shall find favour in the land, you shall find blessing and wars and strife will cease for a season, as my children continue to cry out to Me. Continue to cry out to Me, continue to cry out, and continue to pray for the lost to be saved.

Patricia Hamel

January 29, 2024

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Decreeing Is Agreeing


I hear the Lord saying, when you Decree my Word you are coming into agreement with it.

Jesus said, when two agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask, it will be done of my Father which is in heaven.

There is power in agreement.

Find a godly friend that you can come into agreement with for where two or three are gathered in His Name the Lord is there in the midst of them.

Use wisdom about what you daily speak in and over your life. Life and death are in the power of your tongue.

Speak Faith filled words over your life today, to bring about change. When change comes keep on speaking, faith filled words and enforce your victory.


I come into agreement with your Word today. I thank you that faith filled words, fill my mouth, and that you have given me the victory, in Jesus name.


Today I declare and decree that everything in your life lines up with the Word of God. I Decree victory in and over you, in Jesus Name.

Patricia Hamel
“The Scribal Pen”
January 25, 2024

I AM Not A Short Order Cook!

You are being prepared for battle as a sharp, new threshing instrument.  Do not think it strange, that the fiery trial that has come upon you is without purpose, for you are being sharpened daily for the battle that is yet to come.

Many do not like the battle, but it is a part of the believers life. Many want to live with peace and quietness, but only as you fight the battle will you have this.

Overcome today by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony.  Overcome as you read My Word and fill your heart with it. There are no shortcuts my children to serving Me.

Pray and intercede as never before for your intercession changes things. It changes you and changes Nations. Do not doubt the power of your intercession.

I am not a short order cook. I do not do things quickly, but I serve good food to My children. It is there in the Word and you must take time to dig deeply into My Word and find the treasure.

Dig deeply into My Word and see your weapons of warfare. The weapons of yesterday and the weapons today are not always the same, and you must know which weapons of warfare to use to fight the battle.

There are days you must praise My Holy Name continually.  There are days that you must sing songs and there are days that you must study to show yourself approved to Me. My children dig into my Word and find the answers you need to walk out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Dig into my Word and see My holiness for without holiness no man will see the Lord. I say again without holiness no man will see Me. Be holy, as I AM holy in all manner of conversation.

Be that which I have called you to be My Bride, be that which I have called you to be, for you are indeed My treasure.

Walk as that treasure in the world and be the light that I’ve called you to be. Shine brightly  in the darkness.

I have called you for this day, and I have called you for this hour. You are mine. Shine in your homes, shine in your towns and cities, in your Nations and the Nations of this earth. Shine children shine, for you are that bright light in the darkness. You are Over-comers.

You are Mine and I Declare and Decree you will overcome in the days ahead, over all power of the enemy and nothing shall by in any means hurt you.

Victory is yours. My strength is yours.  Everything you need I have provided. I AM your provision I AM your food. I AM your sustenance , I AM truly your everything and all. Without Me, you can do nothing but in Christ, you can do all things.

Do not fear My children, but trust Me. Learn the Scriptures to fight the battle and Declare and Decree My Word and overcome.

Fellowship one with the other, and do not forsake the assembling of your selves together, but gather even in your homes, in the public places gather together.

My children do not be lone rangers, but gather and fellowship around My Word. The Name of Jesus will carry you in this hour.

Preach the Gospel in the Nations to every person, cast out demons, baptized in My Name and bring the lost in.

The fields are more than ripe to harvest and the enemy would seek to destroy but I AM come that you might have that life more abundantly. Do My works and do your first works.

Love Me first with all your heart, and one day you My Bride will be safely home.

Meanwhile occupy until I come.

Patricia Hamel January 16, 2024